My activity on 10368Mhz.
Station outfit:
August 2010 Starting the hard job of calibration for 3cm! Pointing accuracy should be within 0.6degr. Using the sun, the shadow of the feed was positioned exactly in the centre. Measured sunnoise with an SAT LNB system: 12dB. September 4th the first attemp on 3cm EME was done: F2TU was seen on Spectran but due to unexperience with the type of signal, I was not able to decode it.
September 2011 Just another year is passed with little progression. Did do the pointing calibration of the dish into the 0.2degr region and tested all in the ARRL contest in September 2011 Moontracking is now much easier using a SATFINDER device September 25th I heard and decoded positively DL0EF (529), F2TU (529) and UR7D (519) Below a screenshot of DL0EF
March 2012 - Run 1st QSO with LX1DB - Contestweekend worked 6 station RFout: 25Watt - Here is my echo's on 10Ghz : Echo-3apr-2012 February 2013 - Using ver 2.0 Moonnoise meter with 1dB-full scale. Article: Moonnoisemeter April 2013 - RF output now 45Watt August 2017 - Found both pre-ampifier box and transverter soaked with condense water! Complete set-up needs to be re-furbished. December 2017 - Repaired Transverter with new PLL LO: DF9NP - Installed the DU3T preamplifier October 2020 - Dish pointing accuracy is now 0.2Degr December 2020 - Made my first QRA64 QSO's January 2021 - Added additional 12dB gain after preamp. February 2021 - Changed to SM6FHZ feed and located preamp on the focus platform. September 2021 - Installed at new location JO32LR. Using RTL dongle and I0NAA sw for moonnoise tracking. August 2022 - During ARRL contest I completed the WAC, with ZL1LS for continent Africa!. August 2023 - After one year of testing the new feed with OM6AA type choke was installed.