ICOM IC-201 I'm among those guys, owning an ancient ICOM transceiver model IC-201. Since this is a good, analogue all mode transceiver for 144-146Mhz there might be some interest to set-up a database with additional information. There are some known problems with this transceiver and I like to investigate if there is a base for collecting this information, since ICOM was not able to help me and others out. I'll appreciate a response of everybody owning this IC-201 and have some interesting solutions for other users.
Known users:
December 2013 - I bought 2 VFO SDR kits to replace the analog VFO for a nice Digital Display. info: www.sdr-kits.net December 2014 - One of the IC-201's has been converted to a DIGI-201 and is almost completed. see photo galery February 2015 - A NEW IC-201 is born! October 2015 - Another Digi IC-201 is born in Munich at Stefan DL7MAJ
Please contact me at: info@pa0ply.nl