
Read more infomation about the Camras project

Camras project

This page shows a small description of the project to re-establish the operation of an 25m Dish for various use. CAMRAS is founded by Dutch Radio-amateurs for this project. “CAMRAS” – letters originate from C.A.Muller Radio Astronomy Station. 

The basic goal of the foundation is to save the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope from destruction and bring it back to operation onto the current technical level. This radio telescope has been used since April 17th 1956, but the last 10 years it was stored in zenith having no job, while the owner has no plans nor funds using the telescope. 

Among the various applications is a WEB based SDR receiver to provide real-time signals through the internet from stations received by this dish on various frequencies. Please feel free to visit this part and play around: PI9CAM-WEBSDR


July 21st 2007 – A historic milestone was reached!! The dish was moved from zenith to full horizontal position after more then 10years!

May 9th 2008 – Another historic moment: First ever EME QSO on 1296MHz using PI9CAM call sign. QSO was established with Eddy ON7UN. Check video!

October 18th 2008 – Another historic moment: First Pulsar received. PE1NUT and PA3FWM were able to locate: PSR B0329+54

July 2012 – Temporary QRT for great restauration. The main dish is lifted from its feet and will be restored before end of 2012

September 2013 – Working hard to get the station operational by the end of 2013

November 2013 – The station is now ready to go.  Satellite TRITON-1 operation was restored with the help of PI9CAM

November 2024 – The stationcall has changed from PI9CAM into PI9RD

Much more information can be found on the CAMRAS website